Metis Ricerche Srl was born in Turin in 1986 by the cooperation between professors of Turin University and experts in data analysis. The core business activities of Metis Ricerche are:
- Data collection and information management of public and private, national and international sources.
- Metis Ricerche owns a CATI infrastructure for phone interviews for which it provides the necessary technical assistance, manages the conduction of surveys, face-to-face or online, and qualitative research tools (such as focus groups).
- Data processing, production and analysis of statistical models for the virtual representation of future scenarios (What If Analysis and so on).
- High level teaching and training in data analysis, Business Intelligence, statistical models and Data Mining, research methods and techniques, at the customer’s site or in the company, for public and private customers.
- The global keywords: Web, knowledge, Data Mining and Analytics, Business Intelligence, Text Mining, marketing, DB-marketing, CRM, Customer Satisfaction, Data Warehouse interface and management, Survey management (CAWI, CAPI, CATI, F2F), resource, quality, process and human resource management.
In cooperation with the Department of Political Culture and Society, the Department of Computer Science, the Department of Mathematics “Giuseppe Peano” and the Department of Economics and Statistics “Cognetti de Martiis” of the University of Turin, Metis Ricerche designed and implemented a Master in Data Analysis for Business Intelligence.
Metis Ricerche relevant facts:
- Is in the directory of certified innovative companies of the Turin Chamber of Commerce
- Won the first prize at the SAS Business Analytics Gallery – Rome, 13 April 2005.
- Won a prize and a special mention for the best report at the conference at the XII SAS USERS GROUP ITALIA in Milan in 1996.
- Since 1997 he is Quality Partner of SAS, leader in the development of software for BI.
- In 2008 it obtained the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 quality certification, transformed into 9001: 2008 in 2010.